Tue. Jul 23rd, 2024
Tundra Esports of Dota 2: Mind_Control is the New Offlaner

Once again, Tundra Esports is getting ready for another exciting season of Dota 2. They have added an experienced player to their team. Tundra Esports had won The International 11 title before. Last but not least, aegis user Ivan “MinD_ContRoL” Ivanov joined the team. He is famous for being a great offlaner.

Tundra Esports of Dota 2: MinD_ContRoL starts a new chapter that ends.

The 28-year-old MinD_ContRoL is now officially Tundra’s new offlaner. This is a big change for him because it’s been more than four years since he last held that role. Previously, he was in the first group of people to join Nigma Galaxy. He was friends with Kuro “KuroKy” Salehi Takhasomi, who used to be captain of Nigma Galaxy. Their friendship lasted more than seven years and included three different teams.

Tundra Esports of Dota 2: As of now, this is the Tundra’s Dota 2 team.

The following players have been added to Tundra Esports’ Dota 2 squad with the addition of MinD_ContRoL:

  • “Topson” Taavitsainen, the Finnish Topias
  • Hello, my name is Ivan “MinD_ContRoL” Ivanov.
  • She is Theresa “9Class” Naltakian Edgar.
  • Whitemon Filemon, Daniel “Whitemon”

The Showing of the Whole Component

If Tundra Esports is happy about getting MinD_ContRoL, they are also aware that they still need one important player to complete their team: someone to play the first position. Another thing that has been talked about and rumored about is the hiring of a new teacher. The team has to have a full lineup by January 11 in order to participate in the BetBoom Dacha WEU qualifications. The time is going by quickly.

How well MinD_ContRoL works with the Team

The play style of Topson is likely to be improved by MinD_ContRoL, who is known for having a large selection of heroes and a flexible way of playing. Topson will find a reliable friend in MinD_ContRoL. He is famous for being able to win games with heroes that aren’t typical or signature. Additionally, MinD_ContRoL and his offlane partner 9Class already work well together because they worked together in a stack called “The Dudley Boys” for the Pinnacle: 25 Year Anniversary Show. They got to the finals by beating Team Falcons in the top bracket, but they lost.

Last but not least, the addition of MinD_ContRoL has made the Tundra Esports community very excited and eager. Both finding out the last piece of the puzzle and seeing how the team does in the next playoffs are things that fans are looking forward to. Keep an eye on this space for more news. As Tundra Esports continues to put together its strong VTBET  Dota 2 team in preparation for the difficulties that lie ahead.

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